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Set for repair of dents without painting maximum

5,00 kg.
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Buy ready set brands 1PDR, Nussle Spezialwerkzeuge or Ultra Dent Tools and go through a crash course for the removal of dents without painting for beginners absolutely free!

What is in the kit:
  • Bulb for convenient operation with a dent;
  • Minilifter;
  • Manual extractor to raise the dent;
  • The vacuum hood;
  • Reverse hammer;
  • Minimaltech with interchangeable tips;
  • Hammer under the nozzle
  • Liquid for removing glue;
  • Two plastic and metal cores with eight interchangeable nozzles to upsetting convex dents;
  • 37 glutinous fungi under different sizes and shapes of the dents;
  • Powerful glue gun to melt the adhesive;
  • Adhesive for adhesion of fungi to the body;
  • Scraper for removing glue.
Some dents can be straightened:
  • Hail dents to its original condition;
  • Shallow indentations in the form of a strip to reduce;
  • Large shallow dents are significantly reduced.

What determines the quality of the work:
For successful self-straightening of dents requires considerable training.
To start an independent dent repair is recommended with study videos and samples for simple dents.
Try to position the light bulb so to clearly see the dent. Pick up any fungus and well adjust minilifter. Saivite only the proposed cores and hammer.

When you purchase a Video course for self-learning to remove dents from Ultra Dent Tools in the Russian language (3 DVD) as a GIFT!
*To participate in this promotion you must add disks in order.

Attention! The number of disks is limited!


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