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Set of whale tails 3104017 (4 pieces)

740 g.
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Set of whale tails 3104017 (4 pieces). Article 3104017. The principle of operation of the hook on the torsion. Works wherever amplifiers adhered on the sealer: rear arches, front arches, hidden areas, hood, roof, trunk lid. You can also work in a disassembled door. Hooks have 4 lengths and are selected depending on the distance of the indentation from the edge. The uniqueness cone of hooks is in trunk flexibility and elasticity of the metal, which increases the functionality of the hooks. Due to the thickness of the barrel work on the aluminium becomes more comfortable and easy. Not designed to run in a straight line. Differ from the set 3104016 thickness of the barrel and the shape of the nose. More soft and flexible barrel allows you to change the geometry of the barrel to bypass the amplifiers. The size of the tip of the hook is 30 mm. The shape of the analogue swallowtails German manufacturing firms Nussle.


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