Market leaders for more than 20 years

Innovative classroom 1PDR

Your attention is invited to our ultra-new classroom, which has no analogues in the world.

Our work is our life, which is why we always strive for quality and comfort for our clients.

Our classroom is equipped with the most innovative and top quality tools and the widest range of accessories.

Unique adjustable LED lighting of the class not only adds aesthetics, but also allows you to choose the degree of lighting that is comfortable for work.
And the design and comfortable working environment will not leave anyone indifferent. 

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Для восстановления пароля, обратитесь в техническую поддержку магазина по телефону +7 (495) 790-70-91 или на почту [email protected].
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In your e-mail we have sent a verification code, enter the code in the box below , enter the new password , confirm it, and then click «Set Password» Confirmation code is valid for 10 minutes.
On your phone number we will send an SMS with a confirmation code , enter the code in the box below , enter the new password, confirm it, and then click «Set Password» Confirmation code is valid for 10 minutes.
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