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Tool kit for repairing hail dents

5,87 kg.
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Tool kit for repairing hail dents.

Included is a minimal tool for lifting of hail and other dents.

Package contents:
- A device used to repair hail dents PDR Woyo-007,
- 3 hook
- S-suspension, for the convenience of working with hooks,
- Glue gun,
- Glue the rods PDR CENTER, universal, yellow, 10 pieces, 300 grams,
Liquid for removing glue Ultra Dent, spray, 100 ml
- 4 sets of fungi, in total 20 pieces,
Reverse hammer 2211003, 1.3 kg,
Mini hammer with replaceable heads R-1, for

With this kit you can repair dents in all areas of the car.

This kit is suitable for beginners and masters, and masters with the experience.

Also, if your personal car or the car your friends were affected by hail and you don't want to pay exorbitant sums to the masters for the repair, by purchasing this kit and practice, you can fix it yourself.

Recruitment demand among dealers of cars, as it allows to produce quick and quality repairs.
The use of the traces of repair remains.
And after repair the car increases in price.

When you purchase this package we offer to Video for self-learning to remove dents from Ultra Dent Tools in the Russian language (3 DVD) for free!*

*To participate in this promotion you must add disks in order.

Attention! The number of disks is limited!


Buy ready set brands 1PDR, Nussle Spezialwerkzeuge or Ultra Dent Tools and go through a crash course for the removal of dents without painting for auto-specialists and managers of one HUNDRED absolutely free!


Secure payment system
Fast worldwide shipping
Discount program
Lifetime warranty
The tool is always available
Returns and exchanges

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